Class: GanttChart

Highcharts. GanttChart

new GanttChart()

Gantt-optimized chart. Use Chart for common charts.

  • module:modules/gantt



  • module:modules/gantt


axes :Array.<Highcharts.Axis>

All the axes in the chart.

Inherited From:
See also:
  • Highcharts.Chart.xAxis
  • Highcharts.Chart.yAxis

chartHeight :number

The current pixel height of the chart.

  • number
Inherited From:

chartWidth :number

The current pixel width of the chart.

  • number
Inherited From:

container :Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement

The containing HTML element of the chart. The container is dynamically inserted into the element given as the renderTo parameter in the Highcharts#chart constructor.

Inherited From:

credits :Highcharts.SVGElement

The chart's credits label. The label has an update method that allows setting new options as per the credits options set.

Inherited From:

data :Highcharts.Data|undefined

The data parser for this chart.

Inherited From:

hoverPoint :Highcharts.Point|null

Contains the original hovered point.

Inherited From:

hoverPoints :Array.<Highcharts.Point>|null

Contains all hovered points.

Inherited From:

hoverSeries :Highcharts.Series|null

Contains the original hovered series.

Inherited From:

<readonly> index :number

Index position of the chart in the Highcharts#charts property.

  • number
Inherited From:

inverted :boolean|undefined

The flag is set to true if a series of the chart is inverted.

  • boolean | undefined
Inherited From:

legend :Highcharts.Legend

The legend contains an interactive overview over chart items, usually individual series or points depending on the series type. The color axis and bubble legend are also rendered in the chart legend.

Inherited From:

numberFormatter :Highcharts.NumberFormatterCallbackFunction

Callback function to override the default function that formats all the numbers in the chart. Returns a string with the formatted number.

Inherited From:

options :Highcharts.Options

The options structure for the chart after merging #defaultOptions and #userOptions. It contains members for the sub elements like series, legend, tooltip etc.

  • Highcharts.Options
Inherited From:

plotHeight :number

The current height of the plot area in pixels.

  • number
Inherited From:

plotLeft :number

The current left position of the plot area in pixels.

  • number
Inherited From:

plotTop :number

The current top position of the plot area in pixels.

  • number
Inherited From:

plotWidth :number

The current width of the plot area in pixels.

  • number
Inherited From:

pointer :Highcharts.Pointer

The Pointer that keeps track of mouse and touch interaction.

Inherited From:

renderer :Highcharts.SVGRenderer

The renderer instance of the chart. Each chart instance has only one associated renderer.

Inherited From:

series :Array.<Highcharts.Series>

All the current series in the chart.

Inherited From:

sonification :Highcharts.Sonification|undefined

Sonification capabilities for the chart.

Inherited From:

styledMode :boolean

Whether the chart is in styled mode, meaning all presentational attributes are avoided.

  • boolean
Inherited From:

subtitle :Highcharts.SubtitleObject

The chart subtitle. The subtitle has an update method that allows modifying the options directly or indirectly via chart.update.

Inherited From:

time :Highcharts.Time

The Time object associated with the chart. Since v6.0.5, time settings can be applied individually for each chart. If no individual settings apply, the Time object is shared by all instances.

Inherited From:

title :Highcharts.TitleObject

The chart title. The title has an update method that allows modifying the options directly or indirectly via chart.update.

Inherited From:
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tooltip :Highcharts.Tooltip

Tooltip object for points of series.

Inherited From:

userOptions :Highcharts.Options

The original options given to the constructor or a chart factory like Highcharts.chart and Highcharts.stockChart. The original options are shallow copied to avoid mutation. The copy, chart.userOptions, may later be mutated to reflect updated options throughout the lifetime of the chart.

For collections, like series, xAxis and yAxis, the chart user options should always be reflected by the item user option, so for example the following should always be true:

chart.xAxis[0].userOptions === chart.userOptions.xAxis[0]

  • Highcharts.Options
Inherited From:

xAxis :Array.<Highcharts.Axis>

A collection of the X axes in the chart.

Inherited From:

yAxis :Array.<Highcharts.Axis>

A collection of the Y axes in the chart.

Inherited From:
To Do:
  • Make events official: Fire the event `afterInit`.


addAnnotation(options [, redraw])

Add an annotation to the chart after render time.

Name Type Argument Description
options Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions

The annotation options for the new, detailed annotation.

redraw boolean <optional>
Inherited From:
Highcharts.Annotation .

The newly generated annotation.

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addAxis(options [, isX] [, redraw] [, animation])

Add an axis to the chart after render time. Note that this method should never be used when adding data synchronously at chart render time, as it adds expense to the calculations and rendering. When adding data at the same time as the chart is initialized, add the axis as a configuration option instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
options Highcharts.AxisOptions

The axis options.

isX boolean <optional>

Whether it is an X axis or a value axis.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after adding.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether and how to apply animation in the redraw. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.Axis .

The newly generated Axis object.

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addColorAxis(options [, redraw] [, animation])

Add a color axis to the chart after render time. Note that this method should never be used when adding data synchronously at chart render time, as it adds expense to the calculations and rendering. When adding data at the same time as the chart is initialized, add the axis as a configuration option instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
options Highcharts.ColorAxisOptions

The axis options.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after adding.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether and how to apply animation in the redraw. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.Axis .

The newly generated Axis object.

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addCredits( [credits])

Set a new credits label for the chart.

Name Type Argument Description
credits Highcharts.CreditsOptions <optional>

A configuration object for the new credits.

Inherited From:
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addSeries(options [, redraw] [, animation])

Add a series to the chart after render time. Note that this method should never be used when adding data synchronously at chart render time, as it adds expense to the calculations and rendering. When adding data at the same time as the chart is initialized, add the series as a configuration option instead. With multiple axes, the offset is dynamically adjusted.

Name Type Argument Default Description
options Highcharts.SeriesOptionsType

The config options for the series.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after adding.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:addSeries
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterAddSeries
Highcharts.Series .

The newly created series object.

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addSeriesAsDrilldown(point, options)

Add a series to the chart as drilldown from a specific point in the parent series. This method is used for async drilldown, when clicking a point in a series should result in loading and displaying a more high-resolution series. When not async, the setup is simpler using the drilldown.series options structure.

Name Type Description
point Highcharts.Point

The point from which the drilldown will start.

options Highcharts.SeriesOptionsType

The series options for the new, detailed series.

Inherited From:
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Remove the chart and purge memory. This method is called internally before adding a second chart into the same container, as well as on window unload to prevent leaks.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:destroy
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Generates a data URL of CSV for local download in the browser. This is the default action for a click on the 'Download CSV' button.

See Highcharts.Chart#getCSV to get the CSV data itself.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting


Generates a data URL of an XLS document for local download in the browser. This is the default action for a click on the 'Download XLS' button.

See Highcharts.Chart#getTable to get the table data itself.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting


When the chart is drilled down to a child series, calling chart.drillUp() will drill up to the parent series.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/drilldown
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exportChart(exportingOptions, chartOptions)

Exporting module required. Submit an SVG version of the chart to a server along with some parameters for conversion.

Name Type Description
exportingOptions Highcharts.ExportingOptions

Exporting options in addition to those defined in exporting.

chartOptions Highcharts.Options

Additional chart options for the exported chart. For example a different background color can be added here, or dataLabels for export only.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting
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exportChartLocal( [exportingOptions] [, chartOptions])

Exporting and offline-exporting modules required. Export a chart to an image locally in the user's browser.

Name Type Argument Description
exportingOptions Highcharts.ExportingOptions <optional>

Exporting options, the same as in Highcharts.Chart#exportChart.

chartOptions Highcharts.Options <optional>

Additional chart options for the exported chart. For example a different background color can be added here, or dataLabels for export only.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting
  • module:modules/offline-exporting


Deprecated. Use MapView.lonLatToProjectedUnits instead.

Name Type Description
lonLat Highcharts.MapLonLatObject


Inherited From:
  • Yes
  • module:modules/map
Highcharts.ProjectedXY .

X and Y coordinates in terms of projected values


Deprecated. Use MapView.projectedUnitsToLonLat instead.

Name Type Description
point Highcharts.Point | Highcharts.ProjectedXY

A Point instance or anything containing x and y properties with numeric values.

Inherited From:
  • Yes
  • module:modules/map
Highcharts.MapLonLatObject | undefined .

An object with lat and lon properties.


Get an axis, series or point object by id as given in the configuration options. Returns undefined if no item is found.

Name Type Description
id string

The id as given in the configuration options.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.Axis | Highcharts.Series | Highcharts.Point | undefined .

The retrieved item.

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getCSV( [useLocalDecimalPoint])

Export-data module required. Returns the current chart data as a CSV string.

Name Type Argument Description
useLocalDecimalPoint boolean <optional>

Whether to use the local decimal point as detected from the browser. This makes it easier to export data to Excel in the same locale as the user is.

Inherited From:
string .

CSV representation of the data


Return the unfiltered innerHTML of the chart container. Used as hook for plugins. In styled mode, it also takes care of inlining CSS style rules.

Inherited From:
See also:
  • module:modules/exporting
string .

The unfiltered SVG of the chart.

getDataRows( [multiLevelHeaders])

Export-data module required. Returns a two-dimensional array containing the current chart data.

Name Type Argument Description
multiLevelHeaders boolean <optional>

Use multilevel headers for the rows by default. Adds an extra row with top level headers. If a custom columnHeaderFormatter is defined, this can override the behavior.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:exportData
Array.<Array.<(number|string)>> .

The current chart data


Get the default file name used for exported charts. By default it creates a file name based on the chart title.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting
string .

A file name without extension.


Return the current options of the chart, but only those that differ from default options. Items that can be either an object or an array of objects, like series, xAxis and yAxis, are always returned as array.

  • 11.1.0
Inherited From:
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getSVG( [chartOptions])

Return an SVG representation of the chart.

Name Type Argument Description
chartOptions Highcharts.Options <optional>

Additional chart options for the generated SVG representation. For collections like xAxis, yAxis or series, the additional options is either merged in to the original item of the same id, or to the first item if a common id is not found.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:getSVG
string .

The SVG representation of the rendered chart.

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Returns an array of all currently selected points in the chart. Points can be selected by clicking or programmatically by the Highcharts.Point#select function.

Inherited From:
Array.<Highcharts.Point> .

The currently selected points.

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Returns an array of all currently selected series in the chart. Series can be selected either programmatically by the Highcharts.Series#select function or by checking the checkbox next to the legend item if series.showCheckBox is true.

Inherited From:
Array.<Highcharts.Series> .

The currently selected series.

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getTable( [useLocalDecimalPoint])

Export-data module required. Build a HTML table with the chart's current data.

Name Type Argument Description
useLocalDecimalPoint boolean <optional>

Whether to use the local decimal point as detected from the browser. This makes it easier to export data to Excel in the same locale as the user is.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterGetTable
string .

HTML representation of the data.

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Export-data module required. Hide the data table when visible.

Inherited From:

init(userOptions [, callback])

Initializes the chart. The constructor's arguments are passed on directly.

Name Type Argument Description
userOptions Highcharts.Options

Custom options.

callback function <optional>

Function to run when the chart has loaded and all external images are loaded.

  • Highcharts.GanttChart#event:init
  • Highcharts.GanttChart#event:afterInit

isInsidePlot(plotX, plotY [, options])

Check whether a given point is within the plot area.

Name Type Argument Description
plotX number

Pixel x relative to the plot area.

plotY number

Pixel y relative to the plot area.

options Highcharts.ChartIsInsideOptionsObject <optional>

Options object.

Inherited From:
boolean .

Returns true if the given point is inside the plot area.

langFormat(langKey, context)

Apply context to a format string from lang options of the chart.

Name Type Description
langKey string

Key (using dot notation) into lang option structure.

context Highcharts.Dictionary.<*>

Context to apply to the format string.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/accessibility
string .

The formatted string.

mapZoom( [howMuch] [, xProjected] [, yProjected] [, chartX] [, chartY])

Highcharts Maps only. Zoom in or out of the map. See also Highcharts.Point#zoomTo. See Highcharts.Chart#fromLatLonToPoint for how to get the centerX and centerY parameters for a geographic location.

Deprecated as of v9.3 in favor of MapView.zoomBy.

Name Type Argument Description
howMuch number <optional>

How much to zoom the map. Values less than 1 zooms in. 0.5 zooms in to half the current view. 2 zooms to twice the current view. If omitted, the zoom is reset.

xProjected number <optional>

The projected x position to keep stationary when zooming, if available space.

yProjected number <optional>

The projected y position to keep stationary when zooming, if available space.

chartX number <optional>

Keep this chart position stationary if possible. This is used for example in mousewheel events, where the area under the mouse should be fixed as we zoom in.

chartY number <optional>

Keep this chart position stationary if possible.

Inherited From:
  • Yes


Exporting module required. Clears away other elements in the page and prints the chart as it is displayed. By default, when the exporting module is enabled, a context button with a drop down menu in the upper right corner accesses this function.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/exporting
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:beforePrint
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterPrint
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redraw( [animation])

Redraw the chart after changes have been done to the data, axis extremes chart size or chart elements. All methods for updating axes, series or points have a parameter for redrawing the chart. This is true by default. But in many cases you want to do more than one operation on the chart before redrawing, for example add a number of points. In those cases it is a waste of resources to redraw the chart for each new point added. So you add the points and call chart.redraw() after.

Name Type Argument Description
animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

If or how to apply animation to the redraw. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterSetExtremes
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:beforeRedraw
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:predraw
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:redraw
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:render
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:updatedData

reflow( [e])

Reflows the chart to its container. By default, the Resize Observer is attached to the chart's div which allows to reflows the chart automatically to its container, as per the chart.reflow option.

Name Type Argument Description
e global.Event <optional>

Event arguments. Used primarily when the function is called internally as a response to window resize.

Inherited From:
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Remove an annotation from the chart.

Name Type Description
idOrAnnotation number | string | Highcharts.Annotation

The annotation's id or direct annotation object.

Inherited From:


Set the caption options. This can also be done from Highcharts.Chart#update.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.CaptionOptions

New caption options. The caption text itself is set by the options.text property.

Inherited From:

setClassName( [className])

Set the chart container's class name, in addition to highcharts-container.

Name Type Argument Description
className string <optional>

The additional class name.

Inherited From:

setSize( [width] [, height] [, animation])

Resize the chart to a given width and height. In order to set the width only, the height argument may be skipped. To set the height only, pass undefined for the width.

Name Type Argument Description
width number | null <optional>

The new pixel width of the chart. Since v4.2.6, the argument can be undefined in order to preserve the current value (when setting height only), or null to adapt to the width of the containing element.

height number | null <optional>

The new pixel height of the chart. Since v4.2.6, the argument can be undefined in order to preserve the current value, or null in order to adapt to the height of the containing element.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether and how to apply animation. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:endResize
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:resize
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Shortcut to set the subtitle options. This can also be done from Highcharts.Chart#update or Highcharts.Chart#setTitle.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.SubtitleOptions

New subtitle options. The subtitle text itself is set by the options.text property.

Inherited From:

setTitle( [titleOptions] [, subtitleOptions] [, redraw])

Set a new title or subtitle for the chart.

Name Type Argument Description
titleOptions Highcharts.TitleOptions <optional>

New title options. The title text itself is set by the titleOptions.text property.

subtitleOptions Highcharts.SubtitleOptions <optional>

New subtitle options. The subtitle text itself is set by the subtitleOptions.text property.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart or wait for a later call to chart.redraw().

Inherited From:
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showLoading( [str])

Dim the chart and show a loading text or symbol. Options for the loading screen are defined in the loading options.

Name Type Argument Description
str string <optional>

An optional text to show in the loading label instead of the default one. The default text is set in lang.loading.

Inherited From:
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Display the zoom button, so users can reset zoom to the default view settings.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterShowResetZoom
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:beforeShowResetZoom

sonify( [onEnd])

Play a sonification of a chart.

Name Type Argument Description
onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/sonification

toggleSonify( [reset] [, onEnd])

Play/pause sonification of a chart.

Name Type Argument Description
reset boolean <optional>

Reset the playing cursor after play completed. Defaults to true.

onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/sonification

transformFromLatLon(latLon, transform)

Highcharts Maps only. Get point from latitude and longitude using specified transform definition.

Name Type Description
latLon Highcharts.MapLonLatObject

A latitude/longitude object.

transform *

The transform definition to use as explained in the documentation.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/map
ProjectedXY .

An object with x and y properties.

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transformToLatLon(point, transform)

Highcharts Maps only. Get latLon from point using specified transform definition. The method returns an object with the numeric properties lat and lon.

Name Type Description
point Highcharts.Point | Highcharts.ProjectedXY

A Point instance, or any object containing the properties x and y with numeric values.

transform *

The transform definition to use as explained in the documentation.

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/map
Highcharts.MapLonLatObject | undefined .

An object with lat and lon properties.

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update(options [, redraw] [, oneToOne] [, animation])

A generic function to update any element of the chart. Elements can be enabled and disabled, moved, re-styled, re-formatted etc.

A special case is configuration objects that take arrays, for example xAxis, yAxis or series. For these collections, an id option is used to map the new option set to an existing object. If an existing object of the same id is not found, the corresponding item is updated. So for example, running chart.update with a series item without an id, will cause the existing chart's series with the same index in the series array to be updated. When the oneToOne parameter is true, chart.update will also take care of adding and removing items from the collection. Read more under the parameter description below.

Note that when changing series data, chart.update may mutate the passed data options.

See also the responsive option set. Switching between responsive.rules basically runs chart.update under the hood.

Name Type Argument Default Description
options Highcharts.Options

A configuration object for the new chart options.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart.

oneToOne boolean <optional>

When true, the series, xAxis, yAxis and annotations collections will be updated one to one, and items will be either added or removed to match the new updated options. For example, if the chart has two series and we call chart.update with a configuration containing three series, one will be added. If we call chart.update with one series, one will be removed. Setting an empty series array will remove all series, but leaving out theseries property will leave all series untouched. If the series have id's, the new series options will be matched by id, and the remaining ones removed.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration. When undefined, it applies the animation that is set in the chart.animation option.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:update
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterUpdate
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Export-data module required. View the data in a table below the chart.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:afterViewData


Zoom the chart out after a user has zoomed in. See also Axis.setExtremes.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Chart#event:selection