Interface: PatternOptionsObject

Highcharts. PatternOptionsObject

Pattern options


aspectRatio :number|undefined

For automatically calculated width and height on images, it is possible to set an aspect ratio. The image will be zoomed to fill the bounding box, maintaining the aspect ratio defined.

  • number | undefined

backgroundColor :Highcharts.ColorString|undefined

Background color for the pattern if a path is set (not images).


color :Highcharts.ColorString|undefined

Pattern color, used as default path stroke.


height :number|undefined

Analogous to pattern.width.

  • number | undefined

id :string|undefined

ID to assign to the pattern. This is automatically computed if not added, and identical patterns are reused. To refer to an existing pattern for a Highcharts color, use color: "url(#pattern-id)".

  • string | undefined

image :string|undefined

URL to an image to use as the pattern.

  • string | undefined

opacity :number|undefined

Opacity of the pattern as a float value from 0 to 1.

  • number | undefined

path :string|Highcharts.SVGAttributes|undefined

Either an SVG path as string, or an object. As an object, supply the path string in the path.d property. Other supported properties are standard SVG attributes like path.stroke and path.fill. If a path is supplied for the pattern, the image property is ignored.


patternTransform :string|undefined

SVG patternTransform to apply to the entire pattern.

  • string | undefined
See also:

width :number|undefined

Width of the pattern. For images this is automatically set to the width of the element bounding box if not supplied. For non-image patterns the default is 32px. Note that automatic resizing of image patterns to fill a bounding box dynamically is only supported for patterns with an automatically calculated ID.

  • number | undefined

x :number|undefined

Horizontal offset of the pattern. Defaults to 0.

  • number | undefined

y :number|undefined

Vertical offset of the pattern. Defaults to 0.

  • number | undefined