Interface: SynthPatchOptionsObject

Highcharts. SynthPatchOptionsObject

A set of options for the SynthPatch class.


  • module:modules/sonification


eq :Array.<Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter>|undefined

Master EQ filters for the synth, affecting the overall sound.


masterAttackEnvelope :Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined

Volume envelope for the overall attack of a note - what happens to the volume when a note first plays. If the volume goes to 0 in the attack envelope, the synth will not be able to play the note continuously/ sustained, and the notes will be staccato.


masterReleaseEnvelope :Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined

Volume envelope for the overall release of a note - what happens to the volume when a note stops playing. If the release envelope starts at a higher volume than the attack envelope ends, the volume will first rise to that volume before falling when releasing a note. If the note is released while the attack envelope is still in effect, the attack envelope is interrupted, and the release envelope plays instead.


masterVolume :number|undefined

Global volume modifier for the synth. Defaults to 1. Note that if the total volume of all oscillators is too high, the browser's audio engine can distort.

  • number | undefined

midiInstrument :number|undefined

MIDI instrument ID for the synth. Used with MIDI export of Timelines to have tracks open with a similar instrument loaded when imported into other applications. Defaults to 1, "Acoustic Grand Piano".

  • number | undefined

noteGlideDuration :number|undefined

Time in milliseconds to glide between notes. Causes a glissando effect.

  • number | undefined

oscillators :Array.<Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject>|undefined

Array of oscillators to add to the synth.
