Interface: TooltipPositionerPointObject

Highcharts. TooltipPositionerPointObject

Point information for positioning a tooltip.



category :number|string

For categorized axes this property holds the category name for the point. For other axes it holds the X value.

  • number | string
Inherited From:

colorIndex :number|undefined

The point's current color index, used in styled mode instead of color. The color index is inserted in class names used for styling.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

dataGroup :Highcharts.DataGroupingInfoObject|undefined

Highcharts Stock only. If a point object is created by data grouping, it doesn't reflect actual points in the raw data. In this case, the dataGroup property holds information that points back to the raw data.

  • dataGroup.start is the index of the first raw data point in the group.

  • dataGroup.length is the amount of points in the group.

Inherited From:
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graphic :Highcharts.SVGElement|undefined

SVG graphic representing the point in the chart. In some cases it may be a hidden graphic to improve accessibility.

Typically this is a simple shape, like a rect for column charts or path for line markers, but for some complex series types like boxplot or 3D charts, the graphic may be a g element containing other shapes. The graphic is generated the first time Highcharts.Series#drawPoints runs, and updated and moved on subsequent runs.

Inherited From:
See also:

graphics :Array.<Highcharts.SVGElement>|undefined

Array for multiple SVG graphics representing the point in the chart. Only used in cases where the point can not be represented by a single graphic.

Inherited From:
See also:

high :number|undefined

Range series only. The high or maximum value for each data point.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

<readonly> index :number

Contains the point's index in the Series.points array.

  • number
Inherited From:

isHeader :boolean

If tooltip.split option is enabled and positioner is called for each of the boxes separately, this property indicates the call on the xAxis header, which is not a point itself.

  • boolean

low :number|undefined

Range series only. The low or minimum value for each data point.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

name :string

The name of the point. The name can be given as the first position of the point configuration array, or as a name property in the configuration:

  • string
Inherited From:
// Array config
data: [
    ['John', 1],
    ['Jane', 2]

// Object config
data: [{
       name: 'John',
       y: 1
}, {
    name: 'Jane',
    y: 2

options :Highcharts.PointOptionsObject

The point's options as applied in the initial configuration, or extended through Point.update.

In TypeScript you have to extend PointOptionsObject via an additional interface to allow custom data options:

declare interface PointOptionsObject {
    customProperty: string;
Inherited From:

percentage :number|undefined

The percentage for points in a stacked series, pies or gauges.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

plotX :number

The reference point relative to the plot area. Add chart.plotLeft to get the full coordinates.

  • number

plotY :number

The reference point relative to the plot area. Add chart.plotTop to get the full coordinates.

  • number

properties :*

In Highcharts Maps, when data is loaded from GeoJSON, the GeoJSON item's properies are copied over here.

  • *
Inherited From:

selected :boolean

Whether the point is selected or not.

  • boolean
Inherited From:
See also:

series :Highcharts.Series

The series object associated with the point.

Inherited From:

<readonly> shapeArgs :Readonly.<Highcharts.SVGAttributes>|undefined

The attributes of the rendered SVG shape like in column or pie series.

Inherited From:

total :number|undefined

The total of values in either a stack for stacked series, or a pie in a pie series.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

visible :boolean

For certain series types, like pie charts, where individual points can be shown or hidden.

  • boolean
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true

x :number

The x value of the point.

  • number
Inherited From:

y :number|undefined

The y value of the point.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:



Get the CSS class names for individual points. Used internally where the returned value is set on every point.

Inherited From:
string .

The class names.


Return the configuration hash needed for the data label and tooltip formatters.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.PointLabelObject .

Abstract object used in formatters and formats.


In a series with zones, return the zone that the point belongs to.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.SeriesZonesOptionsObject .

The zone item.


Get the path definition for the halo, which is usually a shadow-like circle around the currently hovered point.

Name Type Description
size number

The radius of the circular halo.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.SVGPathArray .

The path definition.

init(series, options [, x])

Initialize the point. Called internally based on the option.

Name Type Argument Description
series Highcharts.Series

The series object containing this point.

options Highcharts.PointOptionsType

The data in either number, array or object format.

x number <optional>

Optionally, the X value of the point.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Point#event:afterInit
Highcharts.Point .

The Point instance.


Runs on mouse out from the point. Called internally from mouse and touch events.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Point#event:mouseOut

onMouseOver( [e])

Runs on mouse over the point. Called internally from mouse and touch events.

Name Type Argument Description
e Highcharts.PointerEventObject <optional>

The event arguments.

Inherited From:


Transform number or array configs into objects. Also called for object configs. Used internally to unify the different configuration formats for points. For example, a simple number 10 in a line series will be transformed to { y: 10 }, and an array config like [1, 10] in a scatter series will be transformed to { x: 1, y: 10 }.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.PointOptionsType

Series data options.

Inherited From:
  • Yes
Highcharts.Dictionary.<*> .

Transformed point options.

pos(chartCoordinates, plotY)

Get the pixel position of the point relative to the plot area.

Name Type Description
chartCoordinates boolean

If true, the returned position is relative to the full chart area. If false, it is relative to the plot area determined by the axes.

plotY number | undefined

A custom plot y position to be computed. Used internally for some series types that have multiple y positions, like area range (low and high values).

Inherited From:
Array.<number> | undefined .

Coordinates of the point if the point exists.

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remove( [redraw] [, animation])

Remove a point and optionally redraw the series and if necessary the axes

Name Type Argument Default Description
redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart or wait for an explicit call. When doing more operations on the chart, for example running point.remove() in a loop, it is best practice to set redraw to false and call chart.redraw() after.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration.

Inherited From:
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select( [selected] [, accumulate])

Toggle the selection status of a point.

Name Type Argument Default Description
selected boolean <optional>

When true, the point is selected. When false, the point is unselected. When null or undefined, the selection state is toggled.

accumulate boolean <optional>

When true, the selection is added to other selected points. When false, other selected points are deselected. Internally in Highcharts, when allowPointSelect is true, selected points are accumulated on Control, Shift or Cmd clicking the point.

Inherited From:
See also:
  • Highcharts.Point#event:select
  • Highcharts.Point#event:unselect
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setNestedProperty(object, value, key)

Set a value in an object, on the property defined by key. The key supports nested properties using dot notation. The function modifies the input object and does not make a copy.

Name Type Description
object T

The object to set the value on.

value *

The value to set.

key string

Key to the property to set.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Point#setNestedProperty.<T>
T .

The modified object.

setState( [state] [, move])

Set the point's state.

Name Type Argument Description
state Highcharts.PointStateValue | "" <optional>

The new state, can be one of 'hover', 'select', 'inactive', or '' (an empty string), 'normal' or undefined to set to normal state.

move boolean <optional>

State for animation.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Point#event:afterSetState

sonify( [onEnd])

Play a sonification of a point.

Name Type Argument Description
onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

Inherited From:
  • module:modules/sonification


Extendable method for formatting each point's tooltip line.

Name Type Description
pointFormat string

The point format.

Inherited From:
string .

A string to be concatenated in to the common tooltip text.

update(options [, redraw] [, animation])

Update point with new options (typically x/y data) and optionally redraw the series.

Name Type Argument Default Description
options Highcharts.PointOptionsType

The point options. Point options are handled as described under the item for each series type. For example for a line series, if options is a single number, the point will be given that number as the marin y value. If it is an array, it will be interpreted as x and y values respectively. If it is an object, advanced options are applied.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after the point is updated. If doing more operations on the chart, it is best practice to set redraw to false and call chart.redraw() after.

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation configuration.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Point#event:update
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