Class: Sonification

Highcharts. Sonification

new Sonification(chart)

The Sonification class. This class represents a chart's sonification capabilities. A chart automatically gets an instance of this class when applicable.

Name Type Description
chart Highcharts.Chart

The chart to tie the sonification to

  • module:modules/sonification
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  • module:modules/sonification



Cancel current playing audio and reset the timeline.


Start download of a MIDI file export of the timeline.


Get last played point

Highcharts.Point | null .

The point, or null if none

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Check if sonification is playing currently

boolean .

true if currently playing, false if not

playAdjacent(next [, onEnd] [, eventFilter])

Play point(s)/event(s) adjacent to current timeline cursor location.

Name Type Argument Description
next number

Pass true to play next point, false for previous

onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

eventFilter Highcharts.SonificationTimelineFilterCallback <optional>

Filter to apply to the events before finding adjacent to play

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playAdjacentSeries(next [, prop] [, onEnd])

Play next/previous series, picking the point closest to a prop value from last played point. By default picks the point in the adjacent series with the closest x value as the last played point.

Name Type Argument Description
next number

Pass true to play next series, false for previous

prop string <optional>

Prop to find closest value of, defaults to x.

onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

Highcharts.Series | null .

The played series, or null if none found

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playClosestToProp(prop, targetValue [, targetFilter] [, onEnd])

Play point(s)/event(s) closest to a prop relative to a reference value.

Name Type Argument Description
prop string

Prop to compare.

targetValue number

Target value to find closest value of.

targetFilter Highcharts.SonificationTimelineFilterCallback <optional>

Filter to apply to the events before finding closest point(s)

onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

playNote(instrument, options [, delayMs])

Play a note with a specific instrument, and optionally a time offset.

Name Type Argument Description
instrument Highcharts.SonificationSynthPreset | Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject

The instrument to play. Can be either a string referencing the instrument presets, or an actual SynthPatch configuration.

options Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject

Configuration for the instrument event to play.

delayMs number <optional>

Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.

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playSegment(segment [, onEnd])

Divide timeline into 100 parts of equal time, and play one of them. Can be used for scrubbing navigation.

Name Type Argument Description
segment number

The segment to play, from 0 to 100

onEnd Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback <optional>

Callback to call after play completed

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Set the audio destination node to something other than the default output. This allows for inserting custom WebAudio chains after the sonification.

Name Type Description
audioDestination AudioDestinationNode

The destination node

speak(text [, speakerOptions] [, delayMs])

Speak a text string, optionally with a custom speaker configuration

Name Type Argument Description
text string

Text to announce

speakerOptions Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject <optional>

Options for the announcement

delayMs number <optional>

Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.

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