Class: ColorAxis

Highcharts. ColorAxis

new ColorAxis(chart, userOptions)

The ColorAxis object for inclusion in gradient legends.

Name Type Description
chart Highcharts.Chart

The related chart of the color axis.

userOptions Highcharts.ColorAxisOptions

The color axis options for initialization.



<readonly> categories :Array.<string>

If categories are present for the axis, names are used instead of numbers for that axis.

Since Highcharts 3.0, categories can also be extracted by giving each point a name and setting axis type to category. However, if you have multiple series, best practice remains defining the categories array.

  • Array.<string>
Inherited From:
See also:

chart :Highcharts.Chart

The Chart that the axis belongs to.

Inherited From:

coll :string

The collection where the axis belongs, for example xAxis, yAxis or colorAxis. Corresponds to properties on Chart, for example Highcharts.Chart.xAxis.

  • string
Inherited From:

crosshair :boolean|Highcharts.AxisCrosshairOptions

The processed crosshair options.

Inherited From:

horiz :boolean|undefined

Whether the axis is horizontal.

  • boolean | undefined
Inherited From:

isXAxis :boolean|undefined

Whether the axis is the x-axis.

  • boolean | undefined
Inherited From:

len :number

The length of the axis in terms of pixels.

  • number
Inherited From:

max :number|undefined

The maximum value of the axis. In a logarithmic axis, this is the logarithm of the real value, and the real value can be obtained from Highcharts.Axis#getExtremes.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

min :number|undefined

The minimum value of the axis. In a logarithmic axis, this is the logarithm of the real value, and the real value can be obtained from Highcharts.Axis#getExtremes.

  • number | undefined
Inherited From:

minorTicks :Highcharts.Dictionary.<Highcharts.Tick>

List of minor ticks mapped by position on the axis.

Inherited From:
See also:

options :Highcharts.AxisOptions

Current options for the axis after merge of defaults and user's options.

Inherited From:

pos :number

The position of the axis in terms of pixels, compared to the chart edge. In a horizontal axis it is the same as chart.plotLeft unless the axis is explicitly positioned, and in a default vertical axis it is the same as chart.plotTop.

  • number
Inherited From:

reversed :boolean

Whether the axis is reversed. Based on the axis.reversed, option, but inverted charts have reversed xAxis by default.

  • boolean
Inherited From:

series :Array.<Highcharts.Series>

All series associated to the axis.

Inherited From:

side :number

The side on which the axis is rendered. 0 is top, 1 is right, 2 is bottom and 3 is left.

  • number
Inherited From:

tickPositions :Highcharts.AxisTickPositionsArray|undefined

Contains the current positions that are laid out on the axis. The positions are numbers in terms of axis values. In a category axis they are integers, in a datetime axis they are also integers, but designating milliseconds.

This property is read only - for modifying the tick positions, use the tickPositioner callback or [axis.tickPositions( option instead.

Inherited From:

ticks :Highcharts.Dictionary.<Highcharts.Tick>

List of major ticks mapped by position on axis.

Inherited From:
See also:

userOptions :Highcharts.AxisOptions

User's options for this axis without defaults.

Inherited From:



Add a plot band after render time.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.AxisPlotBandsOptions

A configuration object for the plot band, as defined in xAxis.plotBands.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.PlotLineOrBand | undefined .

The added plot band, or undefined if the options are not valid.

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Add a plot line after render time.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.AxisPlotLinesOptions

A configuration object for the plot line, as defined in xAxis.plotLines.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.PlotLineOrBand | undefined .

The added plot line, or undefined if the options are not valid.

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addTitle( [display])

Adds the title defined in axis.options.title.

Name Type Argument Description
display boolean <optional>

Whether or not to display the title.

Inherited From:

defaultLabelFormatter(this [, ctx])

The default label formatter. The context is a special config object for the label. In apps, use the labels.formatter instead, except when a modification is needed.

Name Type Argument Description
this Highcharts.AxisLabelsFormatterContextObject

Formatter context of axis label.

ctx Highcharts.AxisLabelsFormatterContextObject <optional>

Formatter context of axis label.

Inherited From:
string .

The formatted label content.

drawCrosshair( [e] [, point])

Internal function to draw a crosshair.

Name Type Argument Description
e Highcharts.PointerEventObject <optional>

The event arguments from the modified pointer event, extended with chartX and chartY

point Highcharts.Point <optional>

The Point object if the crosshair snaps to points.

  • Highcharts.ColorAxis#event:afterDrawCrosshair
  • Highcharts.ColorAxis#event:drawCrosshair

drilldownCategory(x [, originalEvent])

Drill down to a given category. This is the same as clicking on an axis label. If multiple series with drilldown are present, all will drill down to the given category.

See also Point.doDrilldown for drilling down on a single point instance.

Name Type Argument Description
x number

The index of the category

originalEvent global.MouseEvent <optional>

The original event, used internally.

Inherited From:
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Get the current extremes for the axis.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.ExtremesObject .

An object containing extremes information.

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Internal function to get the path for the axis line. Extended for polar charts.

Name Type Description
lineWidth number

The line width in pixels.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.SVGPathArray .

The SVG path definition in array form.

getLinearTickPositions(tickInterval, min, max)

Internal function to get the tick positions of a linear axis to round values like whole tens or every five.

Name Type Description
tickInterval number

The normalized tick interval.

min number

Axis minimum.

max number

Axis maximum.

Inherited From:
Array.<number> .

An array of axis values where ticks should be placed.


Resolve the new minorTicks/minorTickInterval options into the legacy loosely typed minorTickInterval option.

Inherited From:
number | "auto" | null .

Legacy option


Internal function to return the minor tick positions. For logarithmic axes, the same logic as for major ticks is reused.

Inherited From:
Array.<number> .

An array of axis values where ticks should be placed.

getPlotBandPath(from, to, options)

Internal function to create the SVG path definition for a plot band.

Name Type Description
from number

The axis value to start from.

to number

The axis value to end on.

options Highcharts.AxisPlotBandsOptions | Highcharts.AxisPlotLinesOptions

The plotBand or plotLine configuration object.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.SVGPathArray .

The SVG path definition in array form.


Create the path for a plot line that goes from the given value on this axis, across the plot to the opposite side. Also used internally for grid lines and crosshairs.

Name Type Description
options Highcharts.AxisPlotLinePathOptionsObject

Options for the path.

Inherited From:
Highcharts.SVGPathArray | null .

The SVG path definition for the plot line.


Get the zero plane either based on zero or on the min or max value. Used in bar and area plots.

Name Type Description
threshold number

The threshold in axis values.

Inherited From:
number .

The translated threshold position in terms of pixels, and corrected to stay within the axis bounds.


Returns true if the series has points at all.

boolean .

True, if the series has points, otherwise false.


Hide the crosshair if visible.

Inherited From:

init(chart, userOptions)

Initializes the color axis.

Name Type Description
chart Highcharts.Chart

The related chart of the color axis.

userOptions Highcharts.ColorAxisOptions

The color axis options for initialization.


remove( [redraw])

Removes the color axis and the related legend item.

Name Type Argument Default Description
redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart following the remove.



Remove a plot band by its id.

Name Type Description
id string

The plot band's id as given in the original configuration object or in the addPlotBand option.

Inherited From:
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Remove a plot line by its id.

Name Type Description
id string

The plot line's id as given in the original configuration object or in the addPlotLine option.

Inherited From:
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Render the axis line. Called internally when rendering and redrawing the axis.

Inherited From:

renderMinorTick(pos, slideIn)

Render a minor tick into the given position. If a minor tick already exists in this position, move it.

Name Type Description
pos number

The position in axis values.

slideIn boolean

Whether the tick should animate in from last computed position

Inherited From:

renderTick(pos, i, slideIn)

Render a major tick into the given position. If a tick already exists in this position, move it.

Name Type Description
pos number

The position in axis values.

i number

The tick index.

slideIn boolean

Whether the tick should animate in from last computed position

Inherited From:

setCategories(categories [, redraw])

Set new axis categories and optionally redraw.

Name Type Argument Default Description
categories Array.<string>

The new categories.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart.

Inherited From:
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setExtremes( [newMin] [, newMax] [, redraw] [, animation] [, eventArguments])

Set the minimum and maximum of the axes after render time. If the startOnTick and endOnTick options are true, the minimum and maximum values are rounded off to the nearest tick. To prevent this, these options can be set to false before calling setExtremes. Also, setExtremes will not allow a range lower than the minRange option, which by default is the range of five points.

Name Type Argument Default Description
newMin number | string <optional>

The new minimum value. For datetime axes, date strings are accepted.

newMax number | string <optional>

The new maximum value. For datetime axes, date strings are accepted.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart or wait for an explicit call to Highcharts.Chart#redraw

animation boolean | Partial.<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject> <optional>

Enable or modify animations.

eventArguments * <optional>

Arguments to be accessed in event handler.

Inherited From:
  • Highcharts.Axis#event:setExtremes
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setTitle(titleOptions [, redraw])

Update the axis title by options after render time.

Name Type Argument Default Description
titleOptions Highcharts.AxisTitleOptions

The additional title options.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after setting the title.

Inherited From:
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toPixels(value [, paneCoordinates])

Translate a value in terms of axis units into pixels within the chart.

Name Type Argument Default Description
value number | string

A value in terms of axis units. For datetime axes, a timestamp or date/time string is accepted.

paneCoordinates boolean <optional>

Whether to return the pixel coordinate relative to the chart or just the axis/pane itself.

Inherited From:
number .

Pixel position of the value on the chart or axis.

toValue(pixel [, paneCoordinates])

Translate a pixel position along the axis to a value in terms of axis units.

Name Type Argument Default Description
pixel number

The pixel value coordinate.

paneCoordinates boolean <optional>

Whether the input pixel is relative to the chart or just the axis/pane itself.

Inherited From:
number .

The axis value.

update(newOptions [, redraw])

Updates a color axis instance with a new set of options. The options are merged with the existing options, so only new or altered options need to be specified.

Name Type Argument Description
newOptions Highcharts.ColorAxisOptions

The new options that will be merged in with existing options on the color axis.

redraw boolean <optional>

Whether to redraw the chart after the color axis is altered. If doing more operations on the chart, it is a good idea to set redraw to false and call Highcharts.Chart#redraw after.
