Welcome to the Highcharts Stock JS (highstock) Options Reference

These pages outline the chart configuration options, and the methods and properties of Highcharts objects.

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Specifies how the last grouped point is positioned on the xAxis. If firstAnchor and/or lastAnchor are defined, then those options take precedence over anchor for the first and/or last grouped points. Available options:

-start places the point at the beginning of the group (e.g. range 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 -> 00:00:00)

-middle places the point in the middle of the group (e.g. range 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 -> 12:00:00)

-end places the point at the end of the group (e.g. range 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 -> 23:59:59)

-firstPoint the first point in the group (e.g. points at 00:13, 00:35, 00:59 -> 00:13)

-lastPoint the last point in the group (e.g. points at 00:13, 00:35, 00:59 -> 00:59)