Welcome to the Highcharts JS (highcharts) Options Reference

These pages outline the chart configuration options, and the methods and properties of Highcharts objects.

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An array of data points for the series. For the treegraph series type, points can be given in the following ways:

  1. The array of arrays, with keys property, which defines how the fields in array should be interpreted

       keys: ['id', 'parent'],
       data: [
           ['Category1', 'Category2']
  2. An array of objects with named values. The following snippet shows only a few settings, see the complete options set below. If the total number of data points exceeds the series' turboThreshold, this option is not available. The data of the treegraph series needs to be formatted in such a way, that there are no circular dependencies on the nodes

   data: [{
       id: 'Category1'
   }, {
       id: 'Category1',
       parent: 'Category2',